for SP



Families, jobs and homes.

Support working families. Create safe and inviting public spaces, encourage a positive youth culture, and conserve natural resources for future generations.

Expand job opportunities. Advocate for livable wages and workers' rights, invest in our skilled workforce, and collaborate for citywide economic growth.

Protect homes. Secure local affordable housing, advance tenant rights, and address root causes of homelessness.

Candidate Statement

I have lived in Santa Paula my whole life, with family roots in the Mexican-American farmworker history of Ventura County. I'm an MIT graduate and I work in higher education as a librarian. I'm running for city council to give back to my community, and help make Santa Paula an even better place to live.

Every voice, and every vote, counts. Vote for me to bring new energy and solutions to our city council!

As your representative, I will be your voice in local decisions and I look forward to hearing your own point of view. You can reach me at, @christinaforsp or call/text 805-317-4237.

Housing availability and affordability are critical concerns. Safe, well-maintained roads and infrastructure are essential for daily life and our local economy. Let's shape a city where our neighbors, friends and family can build lives with secure housing and jobs, and be assured a healthy, positive, and safe environment for themselves and the next generation.

More information at

Vote Christina Eilar for Santa Paula City Council!

Thank you for your consideration.